
Showing posts with the label Ashvin GATHA

CIRCLE-24 member: Ashvin GATHA - Switzerland

C-24 exhibitions with the work of Ashvin GATHA: living-colour-ashvin-gatha-mns.html for-sale-photography-finland.html mns-photocolour-photography-for-sale.html denmark-herning-other-way-of-seeing.html circle-24-kodak-gallery-tokyo.html photography-for-sale-galerie-24-den-haag.html ashvin-gatha-living-color-galerie-24.htm l denmark-herning-other-way-of-seeing.html the-other-way-of-seeing-volkmus-rdam.html 05-12-1941 - 17-03-2015 Some exerpts from professional photography interviews Ashvin Gatha gave to The Indian Express, The Sunday Times of India, The Afternoon Despath & Courier, The Illustrated Weekly of India, and Agfa Magazine. The 'Living Color' exhibition reflects the spirit behind Ashvin Gatha's work. Said Henri Cartier-Bresson, the famous French black-and white Magnum photographer, visiting his show in Paris: "Thank you Ashvin, ...