
CIRCLE-24 recommends: Ki Ho PARK (South Korea)

BIOGRAPHY Ki Ho Park's photographs - Past in Pictures Ki Ho Park's Photographs were full of News - the Latest and powerful. Today - They are stunning record of the sharpen of our presents. Over 10 years, the pictures taken by Ki Ho Park made living into art itself, and the public thus love him for it. Year after year, month after month, his photographs have remained signature, often an inspiration for his contemporaries. This portfolio-represent only a small portion of the hundreds of thousands of photographs were published since his introduction in 1985. But even in brief, they signal a distinct, finest tradition. Through his photographs, our vision of the world expanded to include people, place and ideas that everyone didn't already know but should. He introduced us to people who ran distant social circles across east across west and in between. From the start, Ki Ho Park has sought after the truth in life. His graduating thesis at Rhode island School of Design sh...

CIRCLE-24: recommends: Josué SÁNCHEZ

CIRCLE-24 member: Dow WASIKSIRI (Thailand)

 CIRCLE-24 presents Dow WASIKSIRI auc0121 auc0122

CIRCLE-24 recommends: Charlie F. KOHN

  charlie f.kohn: 'enlightment '     photographer / artist / designer what i wanted from early on was to take and make pictures. it has taken a long time to enter into the activity and life of a full time photographer / artist / designer i am today. and then there are so many pictures around. even more have been taken and made already. do we need new ones? still, a picture is not only the product of our mind, imagination and creativity, its also well influenced by the time and circumstances we live in. and then there are some… the significance in  the insignificant, the composition in the details of everyday items and situations and places i feel challenging in  search for the pictures behind pictures. reflections and  perspectives, signs and signals, glass and water, colors and structures radiate some magnetism i cannot resist. impressionistic view of people, events and places. questions about the environment and the everyday life around us. next  to ...

CIRCLE-24 recommends: Sacha KOULITCHOV - the Netherlands 

CIRCLE-24 recommends: Sacha KOULITCHOV Sacha Koulitchov - the Netherlands  (1950, Leningrad, USSR) An exhibition of manipulated photography Thursday 22 December - Saturday 28 January 1994 Sacha Koulitchov is an artist who was born and studied in Leningrad. For the last 17 years he has lived in France and the Netherlands. Photography has become an important part of Sacha Koulitchov's research into individualisation and becoming oneself. "People live superficially but the possibility of the spirit is infinite. Experience and depth lie redundant in the unconscious. There is an enormous black hole. We only see the outside, not the inner world. What fascinates me is the meaning of individuality, the meaning of self." His portraits are based on the interaction between people. "It is a research of relationships, the fact that people are more preoccup...